Extended Duty/Enhanced Design
The standard in low temperature sterilization that you've depended on for the past fifteen years is now even more efficient. VHP 1000ED offers extended duty to maximize production efficiency and enhanced design for improved, more robust operation.
- For low temperature sterilization of isolators, workstations, filling lines, rooms, etc. in research, biological safety, and production applications
- Select from new control options; expanded feature touch-screen control which can be interfaced with a PLC, or Siemens, or Allen-Bradley PLC
- Unit is mobile for multiple site low temperature sterilization
The VHP cycle operates in a closed-loop configuration where the enclosure is subjected to four phases:
- Dehumidification - Reduction of relative humidity
- Condition - Rapid increase to desired hydrogen peroxide vapor concentration
- Biodecontamination - Maintenance of desired hydrogen peroxide vapor concentration
- Aeration - Rapid reduction of hydrogen peroxide vapor
Cycle times vary with initial temperature and humidity; enclosure type, size and configuration; and load.
The process is fully automated. All cycle parameters are monitored and recorded for process validation.
Products Available for Equipment Operation / Validation:
- Vaprox® 35% Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilant
- Formulated to provide optimum equipment performance
- Cartridge is specially designed for fast, easy installation
- VHP Chemical Indicators retain color change for proof of exposure
- Spordex® VHP Biological Indicators ensure reliable process validation
VHP Training, Technical Support and Service:
- Full operator training is provided either on-site or at a STERIS training facility.
- Application Engineers are available to assist with custom cycle development and validation.
- Field Service Engineers are available to assist with IQ/OQ, calibration, start-up, and preventative maintenance.